Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The First Year Teacher

Does a first year teacher have opinions or valid questions? Short answer is no. I feel that the atmosphere at my school
is one of silent obedience. Opposing views are quickly shouted down and viewed as unprofessional and uncooperative. As a first year teacher, there is an attitude that the first year teacher should be seen and not heard. I have no mentorship or guidance. Administration does the minimum, and when they provide guidance, it is good. Most of the time, I fly blind.

My experience before teaching is over 13 years as a trainer in the military. While this was mostly vocational, the practicality of training really contrasts with the hand wringing of education. We never really worried much about Johnny not getting some skill, task, etc. The soldier was given training but a portion was on her to understand the material. There is such a thing as personal responsibility. In education the responsibility is no longer held at the student's level. That's a tangent for another time.

My point is that just because I'm a first year teacher doesn't mean my point of view is no less valuable.


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